Estar longe de casa por tanto tempo é como ter morrido estando vivo. Aos poucos, as suas e as memórias dos que ficaram tornam-se neblinadas. O que no começo vibrava, sentia falta, gritava para estar perto, simplesmente acalma e aceita a distância. Silencia.

It is the end of an era.

Time to move on.


It is difficult to pick out when you find you can have everything or everyone you want to.
That is buried in a hill at Hampstead Heath Park.
When the funeral was over it came running toward me with a ball in its mouth and tried to drag my coat on the grass. It was white.
I stopped crying and start laughing

On my way back, someone passed by me. He had the same perfume.
I smiled and moved on.

chapter 16

"Where are you from?"

"I have dual nationality. I am from the over and the under ground".


A tea with Patti Smith, Lewis Carrol and him.

"He would often lead me up blind alleys or through an endless labyrinth of incomprehensible logic. I felt like Alice with the Mad Hatter, negotiating jokes without punch lines, and having to retrace my steps on the chessboard floor back to the logic of my own peculiar universe".
Patti Smith (Just Kids)

chapter 15

"Have you been to the Rainforest?"
"Yes, but it is a long way to get there.
Você tem que percorrer imensas áreas até conseguir chegar na Floresta."

"Have you been to the Rainforest?"
"Yes, but it is a long way to get there.
On the way we see just grass and sometimes one Castanheira".

"Have you been to the Rainforest?"
"Yes, but it is a long way to get there.
The Castanheiras are still there because the penalty for pulling down them is worse than the one for killing a person".


Once upon a time... a huge Forest

Contra o novo Código Florestal Brasileiro
Against new Brazilian Code Forest

chapter 14

Just at this moment, somehow or other, they begun to run.
'Faster! Don`t try to talk!'
Not that she had any idea of doing that. She felt as if she was getting so out of breath.
'Faster! Faster!'


The train arrived at Barbican tube station.
Suddenly, I noticed myself running behind another woman on the station. She wore colorful socks and flowery bag.
On the street she won the lead. I tried keep her rhythm but I couldn`t.
So, I deduced that she was a dancer.
I stayed behind and she could watch 5 minutes more performance than me.

chapter 13

Permuta from Renata Ferraz on Vimeo.

Permuta foi criado em 2008. Ele foi um prenúncio de all_ice e uma provisão para mais tarde.
was recorded in 2008. He was an
all_ice prediction a provision for later on.


"Who are you?
I - I hardly know, sir, just at present - at least I know who I was but I think I must have been changed several times since then".

I have been Renata, renata, /r/enata, /r/r/enata, grrenata...

chapter 12

"Renata, You are not an actress!"
"Of course I am"
When you are far from your place and your people you can be whoever you wish. The memories are not printed in your face.
Maybe it is time to have a flirt meeting with them...
"Renata, você não é atriz"
"Claro que eu sou"
Quando você está longe do seu país e da sua gente você pode ser qualquer coisa que você desejar. As memorias não vem estampadas na sua testa.
Acho que chegou o momento de ter um encontros amoroso com elas novamente...


Curiouser and Estranhisérrimo from Renata Ferraz on Vimeo.

Nowadays everything makes sense!
Agora tudo faz sentido!

voices: angel dimmick, thais almeida prado, renata ferraz
lighting: mário lopes

chapter 11

I am not so young anymore.
I am not very old.
Nevertheless, I have found her and I have watched the world through her eyes.


"But it certainly was funny to find myself singing. I don't know when I began it, but somehow I felt as if I'd been singing it a long time"

chapter 10

"Rule Forty-two. All persons more than a mile high to leave the court"

I am not being judged.
I am not the witness.
I am not guilty.
When they tell me I am, I smile and have fun.


Extração from Renata Ferraz on Vimeo.

ortaram a cabeça.
Acabei de colá-la no mesmo lugar de antes mas agora seus olhos estão voltados pra trás.


They "off with its head".
I have just stuck its head at the same place it was before but now its eyes are looking to backwards.

chapter 9

"... but there's one great advantage in it, that one's memory works both ways"

"I am sure mine only works one way. I can't remember things before they happen"

"It is a poor sort of memory that only works backwards"

"What sort of things do you remember best?"

"Oh, things that happened the week after next"


"Aren't you sometimes frightened at being planted out here, with nobody to take care of you?"

chapter 8

the winter is coming.
the scarceness of light is more solid than the ice.

I had an unexpected and intense meeting with a strange and I found out that what can be seen in underground cannot be seen in daylight

P.S. you should turn your face down; keeping looking at the computer screen.
Obs. Abaixe a sua cabeca lentamente mantendo o seu olhar na tela do seu computador.

chapter 7

"off my head" what is the less painful way to finished it?

I am getting used to lose things and people I love. I can not avoid that... allow the salt comes out of my body though.


"Well, I'd hardly finished the first verse and She jumped up and bawled out `He's murdering the time!`"

I have tried to keep the Hatter`s sanity.

chapter 6

It was the first time I could speak with a English guy on the phone. I understood him completely and so he does. It was a true meeting. A freedom feeling! I don`t know his name. Probably, I won`t talk to him never more in my life. The only thing I know is that he is a National Insurance Number Telemarketing Attendant.


I have time!

To Lewis Carroll from Renata Ferraz on Vimeo.

"but they began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over".

movement director: priscilla carbone

chapter 5

I used to run.
They are used to run.
I am not used to run anymore.

My current script:

"Are you busy?
"No...Actually Yes! I am really busy!"
"This is good! It is better keep yourself busy"

a waxing room

waxer lady (me)


Looking for the King and Queen of Hearts

In the mummification process, they take all the organs out of the body but the heart.
What are mummies doing in UK?

chapter 4

When I arrived here someone told me "This is not Brazil. Don`t touch strangers on the street. Don`t touch adults, elderly people, children. Don`t touch even pets."
I must confess that sometimes I, willfully, touch people on the tube, buses and streets. After that I usually say "Sorry".

My current job makes me touch people all the time. I am allowed to touch them. After that I usually say " Thank you".


looking for understanding

I had used my bus travel card during all day before the old lady tried "off with my head".
I don`t know why but the bus card did not work on the last journey of that day. However, the bus driver allowed me to get in.
So the old lady stopped me and started speaking as quick as she could. I could understand nothing but I thought perhaps she was trying to help me.
I told her she should not worry about me because the driver said "It is OK"
"No. It is not OK. Be dishonest is not OK", she screamed.
I run upstairs, started crying. It was the first time I missed home.

"And the moral of that is `the more there is of mine, the less is of yours`".

Chapter 3

O que acontece lá fora muda o que está aqui dentro.
O que está dentro não altera nada.
I don't know the rules.
Someone told me that "Don't know is not an excuse"
This is the most important rule.
Where is the guide that explain how to play it?